Warwickshire businesses driving electric vehicles enjoyed a competitive day at the eco-driving training day organised by Greenwatt Technology as part of the Warwickshire rural electric vehicle project (WREV). Today’s electric vehicles are very sophisticated, beautiful to drive and have a host of data on performance, energy used and percentage battery used. The ecodriving day offered the opportunity to get to know the vehicle, make maximum use of the data provided, optimise the driving style to get the best mileage from a single charge which can easily be over 80 miles in the Nissan LEAF.
The champagne prize, sponsored by Nissan, was presented to Chris Corbett, of CG Corbett and Son, the winner of the driving competition designed to focus on optimising the performance and mileage of the electric vehicle. ‘Really enjoying the car, so peaceful to drive,’ says Chris Corbett.
The project is part of the Warwickshire Rural Growth Network funded by Defra and led by Warwickshire County Council, on behalf of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) – with project management being supplied by Greenwatt Technology.