Solar PV for rarebreeds livestock farm
Rare breeds livestock farmer George Steriopulos, from Granborough Fields Farm near Rugby, requested a feasibility study for the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) array on a new beef fattening shed. The project had the investment objective of providing a 20-year revenue stream within the Feed in Tariff (FiT) incentive scheme whilst reducing the amount of grid electricity used on the farm and in the farm house. As part of the detailed review for the project, Greenwatt:
- identified the scale, design and best location for two possible PV systems
- provided an initial costplan
- obtained approval from the DNO (Western Power)
- organised the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
- coordinated the project with the installer
Operating under a restricted export approval from the Distribution Network Operator (DNO), an installation of 85 panels with a peak capacity of 21.68kW was installed. This farm can expect to produce approximately 18,000kWh of electricity each year for the next 25 years from the solar PV system.
George is passionate about rearing livestock slowly and with care – and ensuring that quality meat from traditional breeds is produced and sold in local farmers markets, restaurants and shops.
Such a pleasure to see how George is rearing pure breeds of sheep and beef in the traditional way. Tastes good too! To find out more about George’s farm, visit