2020 Low Carbon Business and Communities Workshop – 25th November, Coventry

Accelerating clean energy technology and resource efficient future contributing to the UN Climate Change Summit, Paris December 2015

Strong climate change adaptation and mitigation commitments to 2020 are required. Investing in renewables energy, resource efficiency and investing in clean energy technologies including transport will create new business opportunities and jobs. This event will showcase achievements and stimulate greater mainstream engagement to accelerate delivery to 2020.


Low Carbon Business and Community Workshop

About Us

Our company and consultant team has considerable experience and credibility in the field of sustainability, low carbon initiatives and renewable energy as well as a strong track record in feasibility studies, strategic resource planning, enterprise regeneration, project management and dissemination.



Greenwatt Technology
Alcester, Warwickshire
T: 07901 916694

E: info@greenwatt.co.uk
Twitter: @GreenwattUK